Best full sun perennials for your garden: tips for gardeners

25.06.2024 14:00

Some plants tolerate even the hottest weather and drought well.

What perennial plants can you choose for the garden

Lavender is perfect for warm to hot climates.

The plant prefers sandy soils and does not like high humidity levels.

You can choose different varieties of lavender depending on your growing conditions.

Catnip is also a perennial plant that tolerates drought and extreme heat.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In addition, catnip will attract beneficial insects to your garden - pollinators.

Bees like the purple flowers and pleasant aroma of the plant.

Daylily also does not require special care. This plant will grow well in any type of soil and requires virtually no care.

This perennial plant comes in a variety of shapes and colors.

Petunia is also a plant that tolerates hot weather well and will grow for more than one season.

Petunias are often grown in hanging pots and containers.

The plant loves warmth and a lot of sunlight.

Previously, we told you how to grow begonia in a pot.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource