The best ways to kill weeds: useful tips

27.07.2024 17:00

You can get rid of weeds in your garden without using harmful chemicals.

How to get rid of weeds without chemicals

Boiling water is a great way to get rid of weeds that grow in cracks and seams in driveways, sidewalks and walkways.

However, it is not recommended to use boiling water in flower beds or vegetable gardens, as this can damage garden plants.

Oil soap breaks down the waxy surface and hairs on the weeds, leaving them vulnerable to vinegar and alcohol. 

The soap also adds shine to the leaves, which helps gardeners visually monitor the process.

Photo: © Belnovosti

A mixture of two drops of liquid detergent in two cups of water adheres to the leaves, helping to kill weeds.

Vinegar penetrates the top layer of plant leaves, reducing their ability to produce chlorophyll and destroying vital cells.

It is especially harmful to young and tender weed leaves.

It is important to remember that vinegar rolls off the waxy leaves, so gardeners should spray the leaves from below as well.

Additionally, vinegar can be used in combination with other natural remedies to enhance its effects. 

For example, adding salt to a vinegar solution can make it even more effective at killing weeds. 

However, you should be careful when using salt as it can negatively affect the soil and other plants.

Don't forget about mechanical weed control methods, such as weeding and mulching.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource