The cactus thrives in poor soil and requires virtually no fertilizer.
This is a plant that is easy to grow and care for. However, it is worth knowing about some features.
How to grow
The optimal temperature for cacti in the spring-summer period is +17-21 degrees, in winter - from +10 to +15 degrees.

The plant does not like high humidity, so there is no need to spray the cactus. The plant propagates by cuttings.
Basic care for different types of cacti at home is practically the same.
Water the plant in the morning, so excess moisture will evaporate during the day. In summer, the cactus should be watered about once a week in the evenings.
In extreme heat, reduce the intervals between waterings by a day or two, and in cooler weather, increase them.
With the arrival of autumn, gradually reduce the frequency of watering so that the soil is completely dry before the cold weather.
Where should a cactus stand
Cacti love fresh air very much. If you want to make the plant bloom in summer, then during wintering, place it in a cool place where the air temperature is maintained at 10–15 degrees Celsius.
However, at the same time, avoid drafts.
Previously, we told you how to grow kiwi.