Crocosmia: Growing and Care

02.12.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Golden crocosmia blooms in early September.

How to grow

Plant large corms to a depth of 8 cm, bury children at 4-6 cm. Maintain a distance of 10 cm between plantings.

Note: plant crocosmias of different varieties in different beds and at a decent distance (more than 15 m) to avoid cross-pollination.

Crocosmia need to be replanted every 2-3 years.

When to replant Crocosmia

Crocosmias that overwinter in open ground need to be divided and replanted every three years.


Varietal, large-flowered species need to be dug up for the winter.

Dig up the corms in dry weather at the end of October, as until then they are growing and accumulating nutrients.


Water your crocosmia weekly, or more often during drought: there should be enough moisture, but not excessive, otherwise the bulbs will rot.

When to dig up Crocosmia for the winter

A plant that has overwintered in the ground is usually more powerful, blooms earlier and blooms longer.

Nevertheless, it is better to dig up varietal crocosmia for the winter.

Since the corms grow at the end of the season, they need to be dug up as late as possible, unless severe frosts have occurred, usually this is done at the end of October.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to grow
  2. When to replant Crocosmia
  3. Watering
  4. When to dig up Crocosmia for the winter