Forget about the pest in the summer: how to spray trees against aphids in the spring

16.02.2024 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

The main harm caused by aphids is the depletion of plants as a result of the loss of some nutrients.

Often such depletion ends in the death of the plant.

What non-toxic liquid sprays can be used to repel aphids

You can use detergent with water. To do this, pour a liter of water into a spray bottle and add 1-2 drops of the product.


Spray the solution on the plant to get rid of aphids.

Such a solution will be safe for aphids, but the insects will simply fall from the plant.

This procedure must be done every day so that the aphids do not have time to climb back onto the plants.

Another mixture that can be used is garlic spray with water. Use two cloves of garlic and half a glass of water.

This solution is suitable for spraying plants every 5-10 days.

The smell of garlic will not harm aphids, but it will repel them.

The aroma of marigolds also repels insects.

It is enough to plant flowers next to other plants that need to be protected.

In addition, you can buy other types of insects that eat aphids.

For example, wasps or ladybugs.

Previously, we told you which plants in the garden repel mosquitoes.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource