Gardening and farming: What's the main difference?

28.09.2023 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

If you love plants and nature, and prefer to grow your own food, then you should try gardening or farming.

Both activities are extremely old, both involve plants and nature, but what are the main differences between them?

Let's find out more, so you can choose what you love doing the most.



The main difference is the size of the area where plants are grown. 

Gardening is usually done in a smaller space, like your backyard or a small plot. 

Farming, on the other hand, involves much larger areas of land, often acres or even more.


Gardening is often done for personal pleasure or to grow food for a family. 

People garden to enjoy flowers, herbs, or vegetables for themselves. 

Farming, however, is usually done on a bigger scale, and the main purpose is to produce food, crops, or other products to sell to many people.


In gardening, you might use small tools like a trowel or shovel. 

In farming, you need big machines like tractors and plows to work on large fields.


In gardening, you might grow a variety of plants, including flowers, vegetables, and herbs, often in a more mixed and artistic way. 

In farming, the focus is often on growing one or a few types of crops, like wheat, corn, or soybeans, in a more organized and efficient manner.


Farming is usually a business or profession, while gardening is a hobby or small-scale activity. 

Farmers often make a living from their farms, while gardeners do it for pleasure or to supplement their food.


Most people who love plants and nature start with gardening, but they can always grow bigger and try farming later.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Size
  2. Purpose
  3. Equipment
  4. Crops
  5. Scale
  6. Conclusion