Gardening Secrets: How to Grow Figs

16.12.2023 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Fig seeds are sown in early spring, sprinkled with soil 2-3 cm deep and covered with glass, not forgetting to water regularly.

The sprouts are gradually hardened before transplanting into a container.

The first fruits with this growing method can be expected in 4-5 years.

How to grow

The seedling should be planted at an angle (35-40°) to the south, the roots of the plant should face north.

This is done so that when covering for the winter it is easier to bend its branches to the ground.


Then the plant is covered with prepared soil, without filling the root collar of the plant, and watering is carried out (30-40 liters per plant).

How to care for a fig bush

Figs in gardens develop roots well and do not require much watering, except during dry periods.

Potted figs should only be watered when the surface of the soil becomes dry.

In spring, summer and autumn it can be watered every week.

Avoid water accumulation in the soil to prevent its roots from rotting.

At what age does a fig begin to bear fruit

You can taste the first fig fruits within a year after planting.

Figs begin to actively bear fruit after 3-4 years. Figs are a fast-bearing plant.

Early varieties ripen at the end of August, and late varieties - towards the end of September.

How to propagate figs

Figs are propagated by cuttings, seeds, and root suckers.

The cutting method is the simplest and can be done even by a novice amateur.

The best time for harvesting and planting cuttings is winter (late December - early January), when the figs are dormant.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to grow
  2. How to care for a fig bush
  3. At what age does a fig begin to bear fruit
  4. How to propagate figs