Gardening Secrets: How to Grow Raspberries

19.08.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Raspberry shoots in the first year are fluffy, only their lower part is covered with thin brown spines. For 2 years, they grow stronger, begin to bear fruit, then dry up, and new shoots grow from the rhizome.

How many years does a raspberry bush grow

It grows in one place for 10-12 years, and sometimes more. To do this, allocate areas protected from cold winds, fertile.

Raspberries are suitable for planting in fertile, humus-rich, well-drained sandy and loamy soils.


What raspberries don't like

Raspberries do not like acidic and heavy soils. Therefore, we regularly loosen and deoxidize the soil. In spring or summer, you can sprinkle raspberries with ash. It will deoxidize the soil, and give the plant the necessary potassium and phosphorus.

How to care for garden raspberries

Delicate thread-like roots of raspberries should always be in well-moistened soil. In a dry summer in June, raspberries need to be watered every other day at the rate of 3 watering cans under one bush. In the heat, water daily, in the evening, under the root, in order to wet the entire root layer well.

What can not be planted next to raspberries

Strawberries, wild strawberries, blueberries get along very poorly next to raspberries. The reason is simple: their roots are in the ground at the same depth as those of raspberries, that is, they begin to fight with each other for moisture and trace elements. Also, these crops can infect each other with diseases and pests.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How many years does a raspberry bush grow
  2. What raspberries don't like
  3. How to care for garden raspberries
  4. What can not be planted next to raspberries