Gardening Secrets: How to Grow Zira

01.10.2023 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Jeera plants are easy to propagate from seed and can be grown indoors or outdoors. They prefer full sun but can tolerate partial shade.

When to sow cumin

Early in spring or autumn - before winter to a depth of 2.0-2.5 cm. Sow thickly.

Before sowing, the area is carefully dug up and fertilized. Shoots appear in 15-25 days.

The main thing is to find a sunny place for this southern culture with, preferably, fertile soil with an alkaline reaction.

Cumin is a heat-loving plant that loves the sun.


It should be sown in a well-lit and, if possible, sheltered from the wind place.

What are the benefits of cumin seeds

Zira has beneficial properties, helps normalize digestion and assimilate food.

Zira seeds contain essential oils, thymol, cumic alcohol and other substances.

Zira can have a diuretic effect, remove toxins and stimulate appetite.

The spice cumin is an excellent antiseptic and helps treat skin diseases.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. When to sow cumin
  2. What are the benefits of cumin seeds