Gardening tips: Decorations that aren't trendy anymore

29.01.2024 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

If just plants aren't enough to make your garden pretty, then you can always add some garden decorations.

While some garden decorations are considered classy, others aren't trendy anymore, so you better stay away from them.

Here are a few examples of outdated garden decorations that won't make your garden prettier.

Plastic Gnomes

Those small plastic gnome statues that were once common in gardens may not be considered stylish anymore.

Old-fashioned Windmills

Traditional windmills made of plastic or outdated materials might not add a modern touch to your garden.


Mismatched or Broken Furniture

Garden furniture that doesn't match or is in poor condition can make your outdoor space look outdated.

Fake Animals

Plastic or ceramic animals like squirrels, rabbits, or deer might be considered old-fashioned in contemporary garden design.

Tacky Signs

Overly humorous or cliche signs with phrases like "Garden of Weedin'" may not be as trendy as more subtle and stylish decor.

Excessive Lawn Ornaments

Having too many random ornaments scattered across your lawn can give a cluttered and outdated appearance.

Brightly Colored Plastic Planters

Opting for more natural and subdued tones in planters is often considered more modern than bright and flashy colors.

Concrete Geese

Concrete geese sculptures were once popular, but they may not fit well with modern garden aesthetics.

Artificial Flowers

While real flowers add beauty, artificial flowers may be seen as outdated and less appealing in contemporary gardens.

Overly Ornate Fountains

Elaborate or overly ornate fountains might be considered old-fashioned. Modern garden design often favors clean lines and simplicity.

Previously, we talked about growing schlumbergers.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Plastic Gnomes
  2. Old-fashioned Windmills
  3. Mismatched or Broken Furniture
  4. Fake Animals
  5. Tacky Signs
  6. Excessive Lawn Ornaments
  7. Brightly Colored Plastic Planters
  8. Concrete Geese
  9. Artificial Flowers
  10. Overly Ornate Fountains