Gardening tips: The most dangerous garden pests

13.05.2024 21:21

Gardeners are well-aware of the damage that some pests can cause to their plants and harvest.

While some pests can only slightly damage the fruits or leaves, other pests can completely destroy your garden.

Here are a few examples of the most dangerous pests you should be aware of.



These tiny insects suck the sap from plants, causing leaves to curl, yellow, or wilt. 

They reproduce rapidly and can quickly infest an entire garden if not controlled.


Certain caterpillars, like the tomato hornworm, can devour leaves and fruit, leading to significant loss in crop production. 

They can be quite destructive if not managed properly.

Slugs and snails

These slimy creatures feed on plant leaves, stems, and fruits. 

They can leave behind large holes or chewed sections, damaging the overall appearance and health of plants.


These small, flying insects suck plant juices and leave behind a sticky residue called honeydew. 

This can attract mold and cause leaves to turn yellow or become distorted.

Japanese beetles

These beetles feast on flowers, foliage, and fruits. They can skeletonize leaves, leaving only the veins behind. 

Large populations can cause severe damage to garden plants.


While not technically insects, rodents like mice and rats can also wreak havoc in gardens. 

They may dig up and eat newly planted seeds, damage roots, and consume fruits and vegetables.

Previously, we talked about growing helliotrope.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Aphids
  2. Caterpillars
  3. Slugs and snails
  4. Whiteflies
  5. Japanese beetles
  6. Rodents