Getting rid of old mulch: Gardening tips

24.09.2023 02:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Mulching is extremely beneficial, and it's pretty easy to do it - it doesn't usually take much time or effort to throw the mulch around.

Meanwhile, it's not always easy to get rid of old mulch when it's time to replace it.

Here are a few tips for you on how to change the mulch carefully and easily.

Gather Your Tools

You'll need a few basic tools for this job, like a rake, a shovel, and a wheelbarrow or a big garbage bag.

Clear the Area

Start by removing any plants or flowers from the area with the old mulch. Be gentle so you don't damage them.


Rake it Up

Use the rake to gather the old mulch into a pile. Take your time and make sure you get it all.

Shovel it Out

Once you have a pile of old mulch, use the shovel to scoop it up and put it into a wheelbarrow or a garbage bag. 

If the mulch is still in good condition, you can save it for later use.

Dispose or Reuse

If the mulch is old and worn out, you can dispose of it by putting it in your compost pile or yard waste bin if your local regulations allow. 

If it's still in good shape, you can spread it in another area of your garden where you need mulch.

Prepare for New Mulch

After removing the old mulch, you can prepare the soil by adding some compost or fertilizer before applying new mulch to keep your garden healthy.


Different types of mulch have different features, so if your mulch has to be replaced regularly, then don't forget to do it.

Make sure your mulch is effective and in good condition, so you can make sure that your garden is healthy.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Gather Your Tools
  2. Clear the Area
  3. Rake it Up
  4. Shovel it Out
  5. Dispose or Reuse
  6. Prepare for New Mulch
  7. Conclusion