How and when to sow cauliflower for seedlings: instructions for summer residents

10.03.2024 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

In this article, we will tell you the details about sowing cauliflower.

How and when to sow cauliflower

If weather conditions permit, you can sow the seeds of the crop directly into open ground.

Cauliflower can sprout in early spring. In this case, the sowing time is: late April - early May, when the frosts have gone and the soil has warmed up a little.


In addition, to speed up the germination of cabbage seeds, they are soaked in water for 17-19 hours.

Experienced gardeners recommend doing this in melt or rainwater, or with the addition of biological products.

Choose a container for planting. These can be boxes, cassettes, peat tablets.

Plant cauliflower at a depth of 1 cm, the distance between seeds is 2 cm.

After sowing, sprinkle the surface with a layer of calcined sand or soil and water, being careful not to wash out the seeds.

To maintain a sufficient level of humidity, the hole can be covered with film.

When 3-4 leaves appear, the seedlings can be fed with a urea solution or special compounds for seedlings.

Cauliflower grows best in areas with colder climates and high humidity.

This allows you to maintain a balance between generative and vegetative development and obtain excellent quality inflorescences.

How long does it take for cauliflower to grow from seeds

Typically, it takes three to six months from sowing to ripening.

However, the growth rate varies depending on the variety, size and weather conditions.

Harvest cauliflower as soon as the head is large enough, while it is still firm and compact.

Previously, we told you how to feed blueberries in the spring.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How and when to sow cauliflower
  2. How long does it take for cauliflower to grow from seeds