Proper ventilation is vital for a greenhouse, and it's up to a gardener to provide it.
But why not use an automatic greenhouse ventilation system?
It can make it so much easier for you!

Temperature Regulation
Greenhouse ventilation helps regulate temperature inside the structure.
Excessive heat can damage plants, cause wilting, and promote the growth of pests and diseases.
Automatic ventilation systems, such as fans or vents, can sense temperature changes and adjust accordingly, preventing overheating and maintaining an optimal growing environment.
Humidity Control
Proper airflow and ventilation in a greenhouse help control humidity levels.
Excessive moisture can lead to fungal diseases and mold growth, while low humidity can cause desiccation in plants.
Automatic ventilation systems allow for the removal of excess humidity, maintaining a balanced and healthy humidity level for your plants.
Air Circulation
Adequate airflow is crucial for plant health.
Automatic ventilation promotes proper air circulation, reducing the risk of stagnant air pockets and the spread of pests or diseases.
Moving air strengthens plant stems, helps with pollination, and ensures the even distribution of carbon dioxide and oxygen, essential for photosynthesis.
CO2 Regulation
Plants require carbon dioxide (CO2) for photosynthesis.
Automatic ventilation systems can monitor and regulate CO2 levels within the greenhouse, ensuring an adequate supply for optimal plant growth.
This is particularly important in enclosed environments, where CO2 levels may become depleted without proper ventilation.