How to care for a garden in the heat: useful tips for gardeners

13.07.2024 14:00

During the hot summer, it is important to know some special gardening rules.

How to garden in hot weather

Water in the evening or early in the morning.

The fact is that in hot weather the moisture will instantly heat up and evaporate.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Never spray too much water. This rule especially applies to the leaves of plants, as they will be the first to be affected by the heat and will be burned by the sun and heat.

During hot summer weather, plants in the garden will need twice as much water.

Therefore, increase the amount of watering in the morning or evening, watering the plants regularly and often.

To water, you can use manual watering with a watering can or hose.

Water the plants deeply and do not allow the soil to dry out. Check the soil for moisture with your fingers.

If the soil is damp, refrain from watering until the moisture evaporates.

Water your plants early in the morning when temperatures are cooler than during the day.

Then check the soil moisture level towards mid-day.

If you have the opportunity, water your plants at night when it is hot, that is, late in the evening.

It is at night that moisture will not have time to evaporate, since the air temperature will be much lower than during the day.

This way, the water will have time to reach the root system of the plants.

When watering in hot weather, the moisture will not have time to reach the roots, as it will evaporate.

We previously shared how to remove poison ivy from your garden.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource