Petunias have bright and fragrant flowers. The plant needs to be pruned.
How to prune petunia
Petunias need pruning to ensure abundant flowering throughout the summer.
First, you need to remove not only the flower, but also the stem of the flower.

This needs to be pinched with your fingers and cut off with sharp scissors.
If you cut off just the flowers, without the base, you will leave the ovary intact.
Since petunias are sticky, use special tools to trim the flowers.
You can also wear any protective gloves to avoid getting your hands dirty.
Experts recommend using small scissors to trim petunias.
Sometimes you need to remove the entire stem, not just the flowers.
This can be practiced if the tips of the plant are covered with many wilted flowers.
When pruning, remove up to one-third of the plant's stem.
This will give you more luxuriant growth and flowering of your petunia.
Remember that the plant needs time to bloom again. This usually takes one to two weeks.
During the summer you need to prune flowers about two or three times.
Previously, we told you which herbs in the garden attract beneficial pollinating insects.