Cherry is a small tree that is suitable for almost any garden.
Proper care is important for a good harvest.
How to grow cherries
To grow cherries, you need well-moistened, drained soil.

Choose a well-lit, draft-free area in the garden.
The soil may be slightly acidic.
How and what to feed cherries
Mulch your cherry tree annually with well-rotted compost or manure.
If necessary, the tree can be pruned in the summer.
Mineral and organic fertilizers are well suited for fertilizing in summer.
For example, humus, compost, herbal infusions.
For a good harvest, it is also important to water the tree correctly.
If there is no rain, water the plant once a week during the growing season.
Use at least 2-3 buckets of water.
Previously, we told you how to grow roses correctly.