How to get rid of weeds in the garden: Feed only your plants

08.06.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Weeds can be quite annoying for gardeners due to how quickly they grow back.

These plants steal water, energy, and nutrients from your crops, so you need to get rid of them regularly.

Here are some things that can help you reduce weeds in general.


Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as wood chips, straw, or shredded leaves, around your plants and in between garden beds. 

Weed barrier fabric

Consider using weed barrier fabric or landscape fabric beneath the mulch. 


This fabric blocks sunlight from reaching the soil, preventing weed growth. 

Proper spacing

Crowded plants create shade and limit weed growth by reducing available sunlight and nutrients for weeds.


Regularly inspect your garden and manually remove weeds by hand-pulling them. 

Hoeing and cultivation

Use a garden hoe or hand cultivator to loosen the soil and disrupt weed seedlings. 

Weed control fabric or cardboard

For persistent or aggressive weeds, you can place weed control fabric or cardboard around plants or over large sections of your garden. 

Weed control through organic herbicides

Organic herbicides made from natural ingredients can be used as a spot treatment for stubborn weeds. 

Crop rotation

Implement crop rotation techniques by changing the planting locations of crops each season. 

This disrupts weed growth cycles, as different plants have different nutrient requirements, reducing the chances of specific weed species taking hold.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Mulching
  2. Weed barrier fabric
  3. Proper spacing
  4. Hand-pulling
  5. Hoeing and cultivation
  6. Weed control fabric or cardboard
  7. Weed control through organic herbicides
  8. Crop rotation