How to grow jasmine: avoid these mistakes

21.06.2024 17:00

Jasmine can become a real decoration for your garden.

The shrub has beautiful white flowers and a pleasant aroma.

How to grow jasmine

To grow jasmine, choose well-drained and moist soil.

Grow the shrub in a sunny spot in the garden.

You can also use a wall, fence or lattice support.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In summer, feed jasmine with potassium-rich fertilizer.

In autumn, the plant needs to be mulched with leaf humus or compost so that the bush retains heat and nutrients.

After flowering has finished, prune the jasmine branches.

Some varieties of jasmine will benefit from shadier locations or growing in pots.

How to care for jasmine

After flowering, trim branches from the bush to give it a neat shape and free up space around the plant.

Feed jasmine regularly - once a week.

It is also important to tie new shoots to supports if necessary.

Previously, we told you how to grow sweet bell peppers.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to grow jasmine
  2. How to care for jasmine