How to grow peonies: useful tips for gardeners

23.06.2024 03:00

Peonies are easy to care for flowers. They will truly decorate your garden.

How to grow peonies

For normal growth, peonies need good air circulation.

Therefore, choose a spacious place in the garden to grow the plant.

Avoid close proximity of peonies to shrubs, trees and buildings.

Peonies prefer loamy soils to grow.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Therefore, choose a place for the shrub with deep groundwater and a slightly acidic soil reaction.

Plant and replant the plant in early spring or from late summer to early October.

Spring planting is usually more recommended by experienced gardeners.

Water peonies twice a week. Use about 2 watering cans per bush.

In dry and hot weather, be sure to increase the amount of watering.

This is important because during hot weather, moisture evaporates from the soil faster.

To better absorb water by the plant, dig a circular groove around the bush.

It is also useful for the plant to mulch the base with dry grass, sawdust or straw.

Previously, we told you which insects are useful for the garden.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource