How to grow sweet raspberries: this is what you need to feed the bushes in the spring - note for summer residents

22.03.2024 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Raspberries are a tasty and easy to grow berry.

In this article, we will tell you how to properly care for shrubs.

Why do raspberries not grow sweet

It is important to understand that raspberry varieties will differ in the degree of initial sweetness of the berries.


However, the sweetness of raspberries is often affected by improper care.

For example, too much or insufficient watering or too much nitrogen.

What to do with raspberries in spring

Spring raspberry care includes: freeing bushes from shelters, installing trellises for summer raspberries, fertilizing, watering, loosening the soil under the plants and mulching, pruning and prevention against pests and diseases.

To fertilize raspberries, you can use both organic and mineral fertilizers.

You can spray the bush with a solution of ammonia combined with liquid soap. This fertilizer is used for foliar feeding.

Feeding with ash solution or dry ash will provide the root system with potassium.

For a rich berry harvest, it is recommended to apply nitrogen fertilizers and ammonium nitrate.

If the leaves turn yellow early, it is worth adding magnesium.

In the second half of summer, you need to focus on potassium-phosphorus fertilizers so that the berries are sweet and the plant is resistant to disease.

Previously, we told you what you can grow next to garlic.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why do raspberries not grow sweet
  2. What to do with raspberries in spring