Wireworms are a common pest in the garden. It is important to know how to get rid of insects in your garden beds.
How to get rid of wireworms in the garden using plants
For laying eggs, the wireworm usually chooses cereal and legume-cereal grass mixtures, especially clover and perennial cereal grasses.
An excellent way to combat wireworms is to periodically add ash, chalk and lime to the beds and between them.

In addition, mustard, rapeseed, and buckwheat sown between potatoes help get rid of insects well.
Plants in the garden such as peas, beans, beans, phacelia, marigolds and calendula also repel wireworms.
Special means to combat wireworms can be applied when planting crops.
You just need to add a handful of husks to each hole. In windy weather, to prevent it from flying around, it is better to moisten it with water.
When the yellow onion peel begins to decompose, it releases phytoncides and flavonoids - substances whose smell repels wireworms.
How to water the ground against wireworms
Spraying with regular potassium permanganate helps a lot against wireworms in the garden.
To do this, you need to dissolve 2 grams of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of warm water.
To destroy more wireworm larvae, deep autumn digging is best done before the onset of stable frosts.
A good result will be achieved by applying fertilizer containing ammonium - ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate.
Previously, we told you how to get rid of onion flies.