Kalmiya: Growing and Care

07.12.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Kalmia broadifolia "Midnight" is an ornamental, lushly flowering shrub.

The crown is spreading, formed by vertically growing shoots.

The leaves are elliptical in shape, leathery, with a shiny surface.


The foliage is bright green, the leaves retain their rich color throughout the year.

When does Kalmia bloom

Long inflorescences 10-15 cm are located densely along the shoots.

The flowers are goblet-shaped, about 1 cm in diameter, purple-red or dark purple. Flowering time: June-July.

How does Kalmiya grow

Kalmia bushes grow quite slowly, the annual growth is 5–10 cm, sometimes a little more, depending on the variety, and only by the age of 10 years the plants reach a height and width of 60 to 130 cm.

Therefore, Kalmia does not need pruning, although tolerates it well.

How to water Kalmia

Kalmiya does not tolerate excess moisture; watering is carried out after the top ball of the earth has completely dried.

Watering is carried out in the morning or evening twice a week; during the rainy season, the frequency is reduced.

The plant responds well to water treatments in the form of sprinkling.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. When does Kalmia bloom
  2. How does Kalmiya grow
  3. How to water Kalmia