Lawn growing mistakes: Things you might be doing wrong

13.05.2024 21:24

Growing and maintaining a healthy lawn can be a rewarding experience, but it requires attention to detail and proper care. 

If you want your lawn to look great, then you need to know how to maintain it well.

Here are some common lawn growing mistakes that people make.



Watering the lawn excessively can lead to shallow root growth, making the grass more susceptible to drought and stress. 

It can also promote the growth of weeds and fungal diseases.


On the other hand, not watering the lawn enough can cause the grass to become weak and brown, leading to patchy and dry areas.

Improper mowing

Cutting the grass too short (scalping) or using a dull mower blade can harm the lawn. 

Scalping weakens the grass, making it more prone to weeds and disease, while a dull blade tears the grass instead of cutting it cleanly.

Mowing too frequently

Frequent mowing can stress the grass and hinder its growth. 

It is essential to follow the "one-third rule" by cutting no more than one-third of the grass height in a single mowing.

Incorrect fertilization

Applying too much or too little fertilizer can harm the lawn. 

Excessive fertilizer can lead to rapid, weak growth, while inadequate fertilization can result in nutrient deficiencies.

Using the wrong type of grass

Choosing the wrong grass variety for the climate or soil type can lead to poor performance and higher maintenance requirements.

Planting at the wrong time

Planting grass seeds at the wrong time of year or in adverse weather conditions can lead to poor germination and establishment.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Overwatering
  2. Underwatering
  3. Improper mowing
  4. Mowing too frequently
  5. Incorrect fertilization
  6. Using the wrong type of grass
  7. Planting at the wrong time