Lupine: Growing and Care

11.11.2023 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

For lush flowering and rapid growth, lupine needs to be rid of weeds, loosened the soil, fertilized and watered on time.

After five to six years of growth in one place, the plant needs to be divided and replanted after flowering has finished. Otherwise, lupine flowering may deteriorate.

How fast does lupine grow

Lupine is undemanding to soils and grows well in the most nutrient-poor sandy loam soils.

Quite cold and winter hardy. The average lifespan of one plant is 6-7 years on loamy soils and 4-5 years on sandy soils.

What does lupine like

Lupins love sun and warmth, so plant them in sunny areas.


Lupines will not grow in shady gardens. Prefers fresh, loose, well-fertilized soil.

Lupines are planted early in the spring, as soon as the plant emerges from the ground.

How often should lupine be watered

Angustifolia lupine needs regular watering throughout the growing season.

Starting in spring, you should plan to water this plant about once a week.

As the warm season approaches, watering can increase to two to three times a week.

Do I need to prune lupine for the winter

There is no need to prune the plant, but the flowers themselves need to be pruned after they wilt.

Cut off the inflorescence with a sharp knife or garden shears.

Is it possible to grow lupine in a pot

Yes, of course, you can grow lupine at home.

Just keep in mind that there are not only perennial varieties of this plant, but also annual ones.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How fast does lupine grow
  2. What does lupine like
  3. How often should lupine be watered
  4. Do I need to prune lupine for the winter
  5. Is it possible to grow lupine in a pot