Making your harvest amazing: Gardening tips

16.11.2023 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Every gardener and farmer wants their harvest to be amazing - that's the result of your long and hard work!

To improve your harvest, you should know lots of tips and hacks, because sometimes they can be actually life-changing.

Here are some unobvious things you can do to help your plants grow better.

Newspaper Mulching Mastery

Lay several layers of newspaper around your plants to create a natural mulch. 

This helps retain soil moisture, suppress weed growth, and regulate soil temperature. 


It's an eco-friendly way to provide a comfortable environment for your plants.

Coffee Grounds as Fertilizer

Used coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, which is a vital nutrient for plant growth. 

Sprinkle coffee grounds around the base of your plants to enhance soil fertility and provide a nutrient boost.

Eggshell Defense Mechanism

Crushed eggshells create a protective barrier against soft-bodied pests like slugs and snails. 

Scatter the crushed eggshells around your plants to deter these unwanted garden visitors.

Banana Peel Nutrient Boost

Buried banana peels enrich the soil with potassium, a key nutrient for flowering and fruiting plants. 

As the peels decompose, they release this essential element, contributing to healthier and more robust crops.

Strategic Watering Times

Watering your plants in the morning or evening is more effective than during the heat of the day. 

This minimizes water loss due to evaporation, allowing the plants to absorb moisture more efficiently and promoting optimal growth.

Companion Planting Wisdom

Explore the benefits of companion planting by strategically placing certain plants together. 

For example, planting basil near tomatoes can help deter pests that commonly affect tomatoes. 

Research compatible plant pairings to enhance the health and yield of your garden.

Wind Chime Enchantment

Hang wind chimes in your garden to serve as natural pest deterrents. 

The gentle sounds and vibrations created by the chimes can discourage certain pests, while also potentially aiding in pollination processes.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Newspaper Mulching Mastery
  2. Coffee Grounds as Fertilizer
  3. Eggshell Defense Mechanism
  4. Banana Peel Nutrient Boost
  5. Strategic Watering Times
  6. Companion Planting Wisdom
  7. Wind Chime Enchantment