Marigolds: How to Grow

03.01.2024 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

You can plant marigold seeds directly in open ground without first growing seedlings.

True, such specimens will bloom later.

Start the procedure no earlier than June to avoid possible frosts.

When and how to plant marigolds correctly

In most regions, marigold seeds are sown in the ground in May, using dry or soaked seeds.

From the moment of sowing to the appearance of buds, it takes about 2 months - when sowing is carried out on May 15, flowering occurs approximately in mid-July.


Place soil on top of the seeds in a layer of no more than 1 cm, lightly compact with your fingers or a spoon.

Moisten the soil again with water from a spray bottle.

Cover the crops with a transparent lid or cling film and place in a warm place with a temperature of 20–22 degrees.

How to water marigolds

Erect marigolds require regular watering throughout the growing season.

Starting in spring, you should plan to water this plant about once a week.

As the warm season approaches, watering can increase to two to three times a week.

It is necessary to moisten marigolds until the soil is completely saturated.

Too frequent watering is undesirable. Monitor the soil and clean it as it dries out.

In hot weather, flowers are watered 2 times a day.

Previously, we told you how to grow vanda.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. When and how to plant marigolds correctly
  2. How to water marigolds