Mistakes in growing blueberries according to experts

23.07.2024 21:00

Blueberries are not an easy berry to grow in the garden.

What mistakes can you make in growing blueberries

Blueberries are a very sun-loving plant. It does not like cold winds, so it is best to grow it in a sunny and wind-protected location.

If you plant blueberries in the shade of tree crowns, the berries will grow sour and their quantity will be minimal.

In addition, blueberries do not tolerate groundwater.

Therefore, it is important not to plant the plant in lowlands.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The fact is that the root system of the plant quickly rots from excess moisture in the soil.

It is also undesirable to plant blueberry seedlings near plants that are regularly fed with fertilizers.

For example, manure, vermicompost and compost.

These types of fertilizer are not suitable for blueberries, so the plant is best grown away from other bushes.

How to improve blueberry growth

To improve the growth of blueberries and speed up the ripening of shoots, you can add additional phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

It is also important to enrich sandy or loamy soil with humus.

For example, you can add high peat - into trenches, planting holes, mulching.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What mistakes can you make in growing blueberries
  2. How to improve blueberry growth