Asparagus beans are often called sugar varieties of green beans. They have a really delicate sweet taste of juicy pods.
Culture care
In order for the cultivation of asparagus beans to proceed without problems, it is important at the initial stages (after planting) to periodically water it (maximum 1 time in 7 days). You should not bring the soil to crackling due to dryness, but excessive moisture can contribute to rotting.
The soil should always be moist, but without overflow. Mulching helps maintain the necessary heat and moisture in the soil. This plant does not need any special care. Even fertilizers and various top dressings are not necessary, and even more so when the beans grow on a warm bed and are protected by a mulch layer.

How to feed asparagus beans during fruiting
Top dressing: at the stage of formation of the first leaf - with superphosphate, during the budding period - with potassium salt, during the ripening of beans - with ash. Beans do not need nitrogen fertilizers: they can extract this element themselves.
Do I need to pinch asparagus beans
They don’t pinch the bush beans, but if its growth is delayed, then it’s better to pinch all the flower brushes with buds now, anyway, there will be no sense from them.