Scindapsus is loved for its luxurious greenery, ease of care and ease of propagation.
What soil is suitable for scindapsus
The scindapsus flower requires a slightly acidic and neutral substrate.
The ready-made mixture is suitable for decorative deciduous crops such as palm trees, Saintpaulias, and begonias.

The soil should be loose and humus. The soil should always remain breathable and light.
What does scindapsus like
Scindapsus loves shade, so it is better to place this plant further from bright windows.
The only type of scindapsus that likes light is the variegated one.
It contains less chlorophyll and therefore, to preserve the color and pattern of the leaves, it is worth keeping it in a bright room.
Is it possible to prune scindapsus
You can prune your Scindapsus maculata site any time you notice dead, diseased or damaged leaves during the growing season.
As soon as you notice such leaves, find the unwanted leaf, then walk along its stem to the very base of the petiole.
How to propagate scindapsus
In order to propagate this plant, you just need to take a pruner and cut off a small shoot from the branches and place it in water.
In just two weeks it will have roots, which means it can be planted in a pot.
Previously, we told you how to grow beans.