Sweet Potatoes: How to Grow

03.02.2024 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Sweet potatoes should be planted in areas with fertile, light and non-acidic soil, fertilized with organic matter.

How to grow

Holes should be formed in the soil at a distance of approximately 30 cm from each other.

The interval between rows should be at least 50 cm. Water the plants and cover the soil with black film so that the soil warms up better.


When to dig yams

Harvesting is usually possible as early as September, when the sweet potato leaves and stems turn yellow.

It is best to dig up tubers with a pitchfork, being careful not to damage the fragile fruits.

After harvesting, dried tubers need “treatment” - a short period of storage in a warm room so that the wounds on the tuber heal.

How to Preserve Sweet Potatoes for the Winter

It is convenient to store sweet potato tubers in ventilated plastic boxes or cardboard boxes.

You can also store tubers in boxes with sand.

The sand must be absolutely dry, pre-calcined, and the room temperature should not be lower than 10 and not higher than 15 degrees.

Previously, we told you how to grow Schlumberger.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to grow
  2. When to dig yams
  3. How to Preserve Sweet Potatoes for the Winter