Pet owner's tips: Rodent mistakes

19.01.2024 02:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

If you love small pets like rodents, then you should definitely get one – they can be smart, cute, and affectionate!

These pets generally are low-maintenance, but it doesn't mean that you should neglect them.

Here are a few popular mistakes that pet owners tend to make.


Small Cages

Using cages that are too small is not good for rodents. They need space to move around and explore.

Lack of Hideouts

Rodents like to hide, so not having a cozy spot in their cage can stress them out.

Wrong Bedding

Using bedding that's not suitable can be a mistake. Choose bedding that's safe for them, like paper or aspen.

Poor Diet

Giving them the wrong food is not good. Rodents need a balanced diet with fresh veggies, grains, and a bit of fruit.


Rodents can feel lonely, so keeping them alone without a companion can make them sad.

Not Enough Chew Toys

Rodents like to chew, and not having enough chew toys can be a mistake. It helps keep their teeth healthy.

Dirty Cages

Keeping their cage dirty is not good. Regular cleaning is important to keep them healthy.

Wrong Temperature

Rodents are sensitive to extreme temperatures. Keeping them in too hot or too cold conditions can harm them.

Ignoring Health Issues

If a rodent looks sick, ignoring it is a mistake. They need proper care and a visit to the vet if they're unwell.

Inadequate Playtime

Not giving them enough playtime outside the cage is a mistake. Rodents enjoy exploring, so let them out to stretch and play.

Previously, we talked about dangerous animal scratches.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Small Cages
  2. Lack of Hideouts
  3. Wrong Bedding
  4. Poor Diet
  5. Loneliness
  6. Not Enough Chew Toys
  7. Dirty Cages
  8. Wrong Temperature
  9. Ignoring Health Issues
  10. Inadequate Playtime