Useful Tips: How to Grow Spinach

21.08.2023 13:04
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Spinach does not like direct sunlight, so you can choose a dark place in the garden for it.

How many times a summer can you plant spinach

You can sow the plant several times every 15-20 days. No more than 5 weeks pass from sowing to harvesting. Late varieties are sown until mid-August - they give a harvest in 6-7 weeks. You can sow spinach before winter - in mid-October.

How Spinach Grows

In most cases, spinach, which will be used fresh, is harvested in one go (the whole plant is destroyed) 38-55 days after planting.


In turn, spinach, which is used for the production of other products, is harvested 60-80 days after planting.


Watering: for every m² with a garden watering can with a sprinkler or a hose with a sprinkler nozzle, a bucket of water is poured. In heat and drought, spinach is watered three times a week. Feeding: If spinach growth is stunted, apply nitrogen fertilizers to the soil, but if the soil was fertilized before sowing, top dressing is unlikely to be needed.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How many times a summer can you plant spinach
  2. How Spinach Grows
  3. Watering