Ways to keep the cucumber beetle from squashing your harvest: useful tips for gardeners

13.07.2024 18:00

The cucumber beetle is a serious pest that can ruin garden yields.

How to get rid of cucumber beetles in the garden

Choose cucumber and squash varieties that are resistant to cucumber beetles and diseases.

To get rid of pests in the garden, you can hang special traps - sticky tape.

Special products against the cucumber beetle are sold in special stores for gardeners.

The beetles stick to the trap and can no longer move.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In addition, you can alternate vegetable crops and cover the plants with protective materials.

Another effective way to save crops from pests is to raise the plants above the ground using straw bales.

You can also grow cucumbers and zucchini directly in them.

Affected cucumber leaves should be manually torn off and destroyed at an early stage of disease infection.

It is also useful to propagate and attract natural enemies of the cucumber beetle to the garden - parasitic wasps and birds.

To get rid of insects in your garden, you can also use organic pest control sprays.

They effectively repel insects from the crop.

However, be careful with the product as this treatment can be toxic to pollinators.

They play an important role in the harvest.

Therefore, spray before the cucumber flowers open or late in the evening. At this time of day, bees are not active, as they are sleeping.

Once the spray dries on the plant, it will not be as toxic to beneficial pollinating insects.

In addition, preventive measures against pests include watering with warm water.

You can also use soil treatment with sand, fresh sawdust or peat.

This helps normalize soil moisture and temperature.

It is important to remove cucumber plants affected by the disease from the garden bed and disinfect the soil.

Previously, we told you how you can organize a vegetable garden on your balcony.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource