Dieffenbachia is a beautiful plant for the home.
In this article, we will talk about the main mistakes in growing.
How to properly care for a plant
Dieffenbachia prefers diffused sunlight or partial shade, but tolerates full shade, so it is well suited as a houseplant.

Sometimes Dieffenbachia wilts due to excessive watering.
This is one of the main mistakes in caring for Dieffenbachia spotted.
Because of this, the plant suffers from fungal diseases of the root system.
If the flower withers, drops its leaves, and the soil in the pot does not dry out, you should check the roots of the plant - perhaps the process of rotting has begun in them.
The leaves of the plant can also turn yellow due to overdried soil.
In this case, the leaves become more dry than yellow, and saving such a plant is quite simple.
It is enough to organize proper watering and the flower will begin to grow better.
For normal growth, the plant must be watered regularly during the growing season.
The soil should always be moist, but without stagnant water. As a rule, you need to water 2 times a week.
Dieffenbachia thrives in bright, diffused light; it is recommended to protect it from direct sunlight, which can leave burns on the leaves. In winter, it is recommended to install additional lighting.
With insufficient lighting, the leaves become smaller, become faded and the pattern disappears.
Transplanting it into another pot and completely clearing the affected roots will help save the plant.
In variegated varieties of Dieffenbachia, the leaves may turn pale, losing their beautiful pattern.
Previously, we told you how to grow indoor daffodils.