Why ficus leaves fall off: a professional’s opinion

02.03.2024 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Ficus trees often shed their leaves.

In the article, we will tell you what this may be connected with and what to do about it.

Why do ficus leaves fall off

When the lighting is incorrect, the ficus actively sheds its leaves, thereby showing its “dissatisfaction.”


If the plant is too dark, its leaves become smaller and begin to fall off.

And when exposed to direct sunlight, burns begin to appear on the leaves, and the plant gradually gets rid of them.

How to save a ficus if the leaves fall

If the lighting is not correct, move the plant to a place where there will be plenty of light, but there will be no direct sunlight on the plant.

If soil moisture is high, delay watering for several days.

If fertilizing has not been carried out for a long time, it means that the soil is depleted and it is necessary to apply fertilizers.

In addition, carefully examine the foliage for diseases and pests.

What the ficus flower doesn't like

Both insufficient and excessive watering are contraindicated for ficus.

Due to lack of moisture, the leaves of the plant turn yellow and fall off.

Excessive moisture can cause root rot, which will destroy the plant completely.

A simple technique can prevent the appearance of rot: drain excess liquid from the pan.

Therefore, it is wise to water in small amounts of water at a time. Water the plant only when the soil becomes drier.

Throughout the year, spray the ficus with settled water at room temperature once every day or two.

Nevertheless, if the room where the plant is located is no more than 16 °C, refuse water treatments.

Previously, we told you how to speed up the growth of indoor plants.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why do ficus leaves fall off
  2. How to save a ficus if the leaves fall
  3. What the ficus flower doesn't like