Why Kalanchoe does not want to bloom: the main reasons are named - they can always be eliminated

20.03.2024 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Kalanchoe is a beautiful plant that delights with its flowering.

In this article, we will tell you why sometimes Kalanchoe does not bloom at home.

Why doesn't Kalanchoe bloom

Kalanchoe may not bloom at home for various reasons.


Experienced gardeners highlight improper plant care, lack of lighting and too much exposure to light.

How to make Kalanchoe bloom

If the Kalanchoe does not bloom at home and stretches out, this means that it does not have enough light.

The bush needs to be provided with good lighting and long daylight hours during the period of active growth.

An important point: direct sunlight, especially in summer, is still not shown.

You can get a blooming Kalanchoe in the summer, for this you need to provide it with long winter daylight hours - 12-14 hours.

Daylight hours are shortened about a month before the desired start of flowering.

Kalanchoe needs to be fed in summer and autumn, when active bud formation occurs.

For this purpose, fertilizers are used for cacti.

Previously, we told you how to grow eggplant seedlings.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why doesn't Kalanchoe bloom
  2. How to make Kalanchoe bloom