Why lettuce grows bitter: we found the answer to the question that worries all summer residents

13.05.2024 21:26

Lettuce often turns out bitter. In the article, you will find out what this may be connected with.

Why is lettuce bitter

The bitterness of lettuce can be associated both with varietal characteristics and with shortcomings in growing greens.

To successfully grow lettuce, it is important to meet two conditions.


The first thing is to plant the lettuce in fertile, loose soil.

Secondly, when planting greens, it is best to add compost, humus and any deoxidizing agent before digging in the fall.

If you planted the lettuce in direct sunlight or, conversely, in dense shade, then all this will contribute to the accumulation of bitterness in the lettuce leaves.

In addition, to ensure that the salad is not too bitter, it is also important not to grow greens in the heat and with a lack of moisture.

When the air temperature rises, the plant goes into ripening mode and sends out its stem and flowers.

It is during this process that the bitter salad is produced.

What type of lettuce is not bitter

Oakleaf lettuce is not bitter and is characterized by a lack of bitterness in taste and good yield.

Previously, we told you how and what to feed a plum tree in the spring.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why is lettuce bitter
  2. What type of lettuce is not bitter