

Using guilt to persuade others can backfire if it makes them feel directly responsible for someone else's suffering, according to a new experiment that analyzed multiple research studies. Guilt is commonly employed by advertisers, fundraisers, and also parents to encourage certain behaviors.

Kate Yakimchuk research motivation Psychology 18 November 2023

Manipulating others with guilt involves using emotional tactics to make someone feel responsible for a particular situation or outcome, even if they are not truly at fault.  Guilt manipulation is a form of psychological control that can exploit someone's sense of empathy, compassion, or obligation. 

Kate Yakimchuk manipulation personality communication Psychology 20 August 2023

Understanding when someone is manipulating you can be challenging, as manipulators often use subtle tactics to achieve their goals.  Whether this person understands that they manipulate you or not, it's up to you to recognize and stop it.

Kate Yakimchuk manipulation signs personality communication Psychology 19 August 2023

Have you ever wondered whether cheaters actually regret what they do? Married individuals engaging in affairs through the website Ashley Madison experience high satisfaction, little remorse, and perceive minimal damage to their otherwise healthy marriages, according to a study in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior. 

Kate Yakimchuk research cheating marriage relationship Psychology 15 August 2023
dog guilty

Pet owners tend to assume their dogs are not only intelligent, but experience emotions like humans do. While they can be sad, happy, or angry, emotions like guilt might be too complicated for them to experience.

Kate Yakimchuk pets pets facts dogs Animals 8 July 2023

Feeling guilty is not a pleasant experience, but it may have some benefits for society.  A new article claims that guilt-prone people tend to be less likely corrupted.

Kate Yakimchuk research personality Psychology 29 June 2023