

Lots of people stop following their goals or dreams because they don't believe in themselves, and sometimes they don't even try. It's a sad reality of many people who are convinced that they can't achieve anything, no matter how hard they try.

Kate Yakimchuk personality self-esteem Psychology 20 November 2023

When you have to work a lot, then it might be hard to stay motivated for days, weeks, months, or even years. It's normal to feel tired sometimes, but if you want your work to be done, then you should find some ways to keep your motivation high.

Kate Yakimchuk work tips Psychology 19 November 2023

Using guilt to persuade others can backfire if it makes them feel directly responsible for someone else's suffering, according to a new experiment that analyzed multiple research studies. Guilt is commonly employed by advertisers, fundraisers, and also parents to encourage certain behaviors.

Kate Yakimchuk research guilt Psychology 18 November 2023

A recent study looked at how coaching and guidance affect our brains.  The researchers used brain scans to see how people respond to different coaching styles and what happens in the brain when we try to help them change.

Kate Yakimchuk research tips Psychology 7 November 2023

When you actually want to achieve your goals, you can use different methods - just make sure they're effective. Anger, although seen as a bad feeling, can actually push people to achieve tough goals, according to a new study. 

Kate Yakimchuk research anger goals Psychology 1 November 2023
stressed man

We all know that "our mistakes make us stronger", but is it actually true? Well, it's true in most cases, but you have to understand how to learn from your mistakes to make them useful.

Kate Yakimchuk disappointment success Psychology 28 September 2023
man studying

Self-education can be your best way of getting new knowledge and skills in life, but it's often hard to stay motivated for a long time. If you find it hard to stay concentrated or motivated, then you're not alone - lots of people struggle with the same thing.

Kate Yakimchuk education goals Psychology 26 September 2023

Sometimes life gives you the signs that it's time to change your lifestyle - and it's up to you to see and use them. Psychologists think that when you feel unhappy, then it's time for you to heal and change your life for the better.

Kate Yakimchuk lifestyle changes Psychology 24 September 2023
sad man

For most people, it's pretty hard to stay motivated for a long time when you can't see results immediately. It's often even harder when you're on a plateau - a point when nothing changes for a while, and you start to lose hope.

Kate Yakimchuk goals tips Psychology 22 September 2023

We all have failures sometimes - some are minor, some are major, and it's normal. The key is to stay motivated and keep on working afterwards, but how to achieve that?

Kate Yakimchuk personality self-esteem Psychology 16 September 2023
sporty woman

Sports are an essential part of every healthy person's life, but why is it so hard to find motivation to do it? It's not always about laziness or boredom - you might just not be motivated enough.

Kate Yakimchuk sport tips Psychology 11 September 2023
tired woman

Lots of people feel like they don't work hard enough, even when they succeed - and that's a product of hustle culture that tells us to work as hard and as much as we can. If you're constantly unhappy about how much you work, but there are no objective reasons for that, then it's time to change your mindset.

Kate Yakimchuk tiredness work pressure Psychology 10 September 2023

If you feel like your house needs a big cleaning day, then you're probably right - we all need to spend lots of time to make our house clean from time to time. Cleaning can be exhausting and annoying, but the final result is usually worth it - so it's time to do it!

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning tips Helpful tips 8 September 2023
woman thinking

Right goals help people make right decisions, because it motivates them perfectly. Groundbreaking research from UC Berkeley's Department of Psychology is shedding new light on human decision-making processes by emphasizing the importance of goal-oriented rewards. 

Kate Yakimchuk research choosing goals Psychology 7 August 2023