How to recognize manipulation: The main signs

13.05.2024 21:24

Understanding when someone is manipulating you can be challenging, as manipulators often use subtle tactics to achieve their goals. 

Whether this person understands that they manipulate you or not, it's up to you to recognize and stop it.

However, there are certain signs and behaviors that can help you recognize manipulation.


Inconsistent Statements

Manipulators may frequently change their stories or provide conflicting information to confuse you and make it difficult to discern the truth.


Manipulators often use guilt or pity to get what they want. 

They may play the victim, make you feel responsible for their emotions, or use emotional blackmail to gain your compliance.

Flattery and Charm

Manipulators might excessively compliment you or use flattery to gain your trust and make you more receptive to their requests.


Manipulators may try to isolate you from friends, family, or other sources of support, making you more reliant on them and easier to control.

Withholding Information

Manipulators may withhold crucial information or details to keep you in the dark and prevent you from making informed decisions.


Gaslighting involves making you doubt your own perceptions, memories, or sanity. 

Manipulators may deny things they've said or done, making you question your understanding of events.

Conditional Love or Approval

Manipulators may make their affection, approval, or support conditional upon you meeting their demands or expectations.

Pressure and Threats

Manipulators might use pressure, threats, or ultimatums to force you into doing something you're uncomfortable with.

Minimizing Your Feelings

Manipulators may downplay or dismiss your feelings, making you question the validity of your emotions and needs.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Inconsistent Statements
  2. Guilt-Tripping
  3. Flattery and Charm
  4. Isolation
  5. Withholding Information
  6. Gaslighting
  7. Conditional Love or Approval
  8. Pressure and Threats
  9. Minimizing Your Feelings