Sometimes such spots appear on the clothes, that even the most expensive stain remover can't solve the problem.
However, you should know some lifehacks which will quickly and effectively remove any spot on your clothes and underwear.
The trick is to add natural ingredients during washing very dirty clothes.
Using soda, you can remove any spot on your clothes. Just put a spoon of soda into the water and leave the clothes in this mixture for 30 minutes.
Then you may wash the clothes in the washing machine having chosen a proper mode.
![Add this component into the washing machine and spots on your clothes will disappear washing machine](
Cornstarch effectively removes the dirtiest spots from the clothes.
If you see a fat spot on clothes, pour some cornstarch on it. Wash the spot with water and put the clothes in the washing machine the next morning.
Liquid soap
Liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide can be used to remove sweat spains. Don't use these ingredients to wash black fabrics. Mix liquid soap and hydrogen in 1/2 proportion. Then wash the clothes in the washing machine.