In the confined space of the refrigerator, unpleasant and fetid odors are formed especially quickly.
Not fragrant ambergris instantly spreads between the shelves of the refrigerator, soaking deeply into the plastic.
Therefore, it is not surprising that even a clean hostess refrigerator can have an unpleasant smell.

The fight against this problem should not be put aside, otherwise unpleasant odors can change the taste of dishes.
How to get rid of the "unpleasant smell" in the refrigerator forever: a simple way
Remove the products from the refrigerator and transfer them to a deep container. Defrost the refrigerator and rinse it thoroughly: walls, shelves, door seals.
Use a soap solution or liquid dishwashing detergent to clean the refrigerator.
Use vinegar solution to clean the refrigerator if unpleasant odors have not gone away after the first treatment.
Dilute one tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water. Wipe the trays, walls and refrigerator door with the resulting mixture.
You can use lemon juice to neutralize the stench and clean the refrigerator.
Ammonia can qualitatively cope with the problem of odor in the refrigerator. Ammonia quickly dissolves fat and removes germs from any surfaces.
Ammonia will effectively cope with unpleasant aromas even in the most severe cases, when other means have not helped.
Mix 2-3 drops of alcohol in one glass of water. In the resulting solution, moisten a cloth or napkin, thoroughly wipe the shelves and drawers of the refrigerator. Leave the refrigerator open for a day.