A Christmas wreath over the threshold is your family amulet, a symbol of hope for happiness, prosperity and prosperity, as well as an invitation to guests.
What is another name for a Christmas wreath
The Advent wreath is also called the Advent wreath.
This attribute of the holiday came to us from the Catholic world, but one should not think that it has nothing to do with Orthodox Christmas.

Church holidays of many areas of Christianity have pagan roots, and Orthodoxy is no exception to this rule.
Shaggy fir branches form the basis of any traditional Christmas wreath: the green color is a symbol of hope, and the closed shape of the wreath itself represents the infinity of existence.
When did the Advent wreath appear
The history of the appearance of the Advent wreath, according to one version, dates back to 1833, when Lutheran theologian
Johann Hinrich Wichern made a wreath from an old wheel.
He decorated it with 24 red candles and 4 large white ones.
Previously, we talked about Christmas home decor.