Choosing a stylish shower curtain: Customer's guide

21.10.2023 06:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Even simple items like shower curtains can be stylish, so they can make or break the aesthetics of your bathroom.

Nowadays, you can find plenty of different options to choose from in terms of colors, materials, and designs - and it's great!

Let's find out how to pick the most stylish and great one.

Color and Design

Think about the color and design you want for your bathroom. Do you like bright colors, patterns, or a simple, clean look? 

Pick a curtain that matches your bathroom's style and the colors of your walls and tiles.



Consider the material of the curtain. Some are made of fabric, like cotton or polyester, and others are plastic. 

Fabric curtains can look more elegant, while plastic ones are easy to clean. Choose the material that suits your taste and lifestyle.

Waterproof and Mildew-Resistant

Check if the curtain is waterproof and mildew-resistant. 

A good shower curtain should keep the water inside the shower and not let mold grow on it. 

Look for curtains with these features to keep your bathroom clean.


Measure your shower space to make sure the curtain is the right size. You don't want it too short or too long. 

Standard shower curtains are about 72 inches by 72 inches, but you can find different sizes if needed.

Hooks or Rings

Some curtains come with hooks or rings, while others don't. If they aren't included, make sure to buy hooks or rings separately. 

Choose ones that match the style you want.

Easy to Clean

Make sure the curtain is easy to clean. Check if it's machine washable or if you can wipe it clean with a damp cloth. 

This will make your life easier when it comes to maintenance.


By considering these factors, you can choose a stylish shower curtain that not only looks great but also suits your bathroom's needs and your personal taste.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Color and Design
  2. Material
  3. Waterproof and Mildew-Resistant
  4. Size
  5. Hooks or Rings
  6. Easy to Clean
  7. Conclusion