Cold, uninviting rooms: Interior designer's tips

08.09.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

If you look around and think that your interior feels cold and uninviting, then you're probably right - people can sense such things easily.

Good news is that you probably can change the situation pretty easily - you just need to know what things can ruin the atmosphere of your interior easily.

Let's find out more to fix these things together.

It lacks warm colors

If the room has a lot of cool or neutral colors like blues and grays and not enough warm colors like reds, oranges, or yellows, it can feel less cozy. Warm colors make a space feel more inviting and comfortable.

Not enough light

If the room doesn't have enough light, it can feel gloomy and unwelcoming. Adding more lighting, especially with warm-toned bulbs, can make a big difference.

white interior

Comfortable furniture needed

If the room is too empty or lacks comfortable furniture, it may not feel like a place you want to spend time in. 

Adding soft, comfortable furniture and decorations can make it more inviting.

It's cluttered

On the flip side, if there's too much clutter and disorganization, it can also make a room feel unwelcoming. 

Keeping things tidy and organized can help.

Materials matter

Some materials, like metal or stone, can feel cold to the touch and give the room a chilly atmosphere. 

Using soft, warm materials like textiles (curtains, rugs, cushions) can help balance this out.

It lacks personality

If a room doesn't have personal touches like family photos, artwork, or items that mean something to you, it can feel sterile and uninviting. 

Adding these personal touches can make the space feel cozier and more welcoming.


Cozy atmosphere is all about warm light, nice colors, and warm materials - so use them more to transform your interior.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. It lacks warm colors
  2. Not enough light
  3. Comfortable furniture needed
  4. It's cluttered
  5. Materials matter
  6. It lacks personality
  7. Conclusion