Choose a kettle equipped with a filter strainer - it will ensure that tea leaves do not fall into your cup and do not distract you from drinking tea.
Which material is better for teapots
Glass teapots are ideal for brewing related teas because the transparent walls allow you to easily see how the tea leaves dissolve in the hot water.
The disadvantage of glass teapots is their fragility. A type of glass teapot is French press.

Which kettle is best for brewing tea
Special glass maintains the water temperature for a long time.
When glass interacts with water, no toxic substances are released, so this method of brewing tea is considered the safest.
Key advantages of a glass teapot: Unique appearance.
Which teapot keeps heat longer
Ceramic teapots are also good for tea. Ceramics heats up quickly and retains heat for a long time.
Glazed ceramics and porcelain are recommended for fragile and delicate teas, for example, white and green varieties, in which sophistication and grace are valued above all.
What size teapot to choose
If you like to bring your tea to the desired strength by diluting it with hot water directly in the cup, you will need a teapot with a capacity of 500-700 ml.
If you pour ready-made tea from the teapot directly into cups, take a closer look at teapots with a larger capacity.