How to choose wallpaper: tips from designers

06.06.2024 06:00

Interior trends change frequently.

Wallpaper can enhance the appearance of your home.

How to choose wallpaper

Before you buy wallpaper, decide what you want to see as a result of the renovation.

Photo: © Belnovosti

For example, it is important to understand what kind of atmosphere you want in the room.

If this is a bedroom, it is important that the interior is not too bright; choose calm colors for the walls.

If it's a kitchen or living room, you can choose brighter wallpaper colors.

Also, consider whether you want the entire house to be one style or each room unique in color and design.

Wallpaper is always easy and quick for wall renovation.

The main thing is to choose the right shade and texture.

You can choose smooth wallpaper if your walls are straight and your home style is minimalist.

Textured wallpaper will add more warmth and comfort to the interior.

How to choose a wallpaper style

The wallpaper should match the style of your home.

If it's a classic, choose plain, soft shades.

For example, white, gray, beige. Wallpaper without bright designs and patterns is best suited.

Colorful wallpapers of different colors and textures are suitable for a bright interior.

For example, you can choose wallpaper with flowers, stripes, patterns and designs.

You can also decorate the interior with one or two accent walls.

This means that most of the walls are neutral colors, and one is brighter and more colorful.

Previously, we told you how to choose the right pillow for sleeping.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to choose wallpaper
  2. How to choose a wallpaper style