How to integrate 70s in your interior design: Add a bit of retro

10.07.2023 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

While some people tend to follow the newest trends, others want to keep a bit of the past around.

70s were bright and inspiring, so lots of people still feel pretty nostalgic.

There are a few elements that can help you add a bit of retro to your interior.

Color Palette

Embrace the vibrant and earthy color palette popular in the 70s. 

Opt for warm tones like mustard yellow, burnt orange, avocado green, and shades of brown. 


Incorporate these colors through wall paint, furniture upholstery, or accent pieces.

Furniture and Accessories

Look for furniture and accessories that reflect the iconic design elements of the 70s. 

Choose pieces with sleek lines, organic shapes, and bold patterns. 

Incorporate items like low-profile sofas, curved chairs, shaggy rugs, macramé wall hangings, lava lamps, and geometric-patterned textiles.

Natural Materials

The 70s embraced natural materials, so incorporate them into your design. 

Consider using materials like wood, rattan, wicker, and bamboo for furniture, flooring, and decor. 

Incorporate indoor plants to bring a touch of nature into your space.

Vintage Finds

Incorporating authentic vintage items from the 70s can instantly add character and authenticity to your design. 

Look for unique finds like vintage artwork, vinyl records, retro clocks, or antique furniture pieces. 

These items will help capture the essence of the era and create a genuine vintage vibe.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Color Palette
  2. Furniture and Accessories
  3. Natural Materials
  4. Vintage Finds