Interior Designer Tip: How to Transform a Sofa

09.05.2023 20:35
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Instead of buying a new sofa or throwing away an old one, you can give it a makeover. In this article, you will learn about easy ways to decorate an old sofa.


To quickly and easily transform your old sofa, you can use a cover.

In addition, the cover is a great way to protect the fabric from wear and tear.

You can choose the color of any color of the case. Make sure that the shade suits your interior.

New upholstery

If the old upholstery has worn out, you can opt for a more environmentally friendly option than throwing away the sofa.


Reupholstery is a great way to update old furniture.

Your sofa will look like new.

In addition, you can choose any type of material and color to your taste.


You can upgrade your sofa with accessories.

Use pillows. You can choose both a pair and several decorative pillows.

Such accessories are guaranteed to transform your sofa and add coziness to the living room.

In addition, replacing pillows is the fastest, easiest and most budgetary way to update furniture.

Leg replacement

You can slightly change the look of an old sofa with new legs.

Choose shorter, or vice versa, higher legs.

So the sofa will look new, and you will spend a minimum of your time and effort.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Case
  2. New upholstery
  3. Decoration
  4. Leg replacement